Ashley Phillips
M.Ed (Counselling), CCC
EMDR Therapist
Ashley also offers both individual and group consultation for therapists completing their EMDRIA Basic Training. Click here to learn more.

Emotional Eating
Binge Eating Disorder
Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Recent Traumatic Events (up to 6 months from date of event)
Chronic Health Conditions & Life Threatening Disease
Grief & Loss with a particular interest supporting parents through traumatic births and perinatal death
Expertise & Career
Over 10 years working with individuals, groups, and communities to create meaningful change in their lives.
I have worked with & at:
children & youth
public education system (P-12)
non-profit organizations
post-secondary college
Former BC / Yukon Director for the Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association
In the Media
I have appeared on CBC’s Daybreak South.
Check out my interview with a Global News segment on Disordered Eating.
And I wrote an article for the Network News magazine about mindfulness and our health.
Meet Ashley Phillips
Hailing from Nova Scotia, I moved to British Columbia in 2014 on gut instinct. There's just something about this magical province. After my Masters, I sold everything but sentimental items and went on the self-titled adventure known as the "Great Canadian Hiking and Eating Tour" while job searching for work in BC along the way. It was delicious and beautiful to see this country. As I got close to BC, I had a massive "What did I just do?" moment (after all, no job, no prospects, no finances, no home, no community was a very sobering reality) ... but with the support of friends and family, I moved past my fear to the land where I am now - Kelowna!
When I'm not in the counselling office, you'll find me taking advantage of all that is the Okanagan - backcountry camping, skiing, hiking, attempting triathlons, yoga, farmer's markets, wineries, and making meals from our local goods.
Acadia University, Masters in Education (Counselling)
EMDR Training
Comprehensive EMDR Basic Training with Sue Genest 2020
Monthly EMDR Consultation and Supervision
Clinical Structured Interview Intake with Sandra Paulsen 2020
Flash Technique with Ricky Greenwald 2020
Easy Ego State with Robin Shapiro 2021
Attachment-Focused EMDR with Laura Parnell 2021
Eating Disorders within the EMDR Approach with Andrew Seubert and Pam Virdi 2021
How to Assess for Dissociative Disorders with Kathy Steele 2021
MID (Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation) Training with Jennifer Madere and D. Michael Coy 2020
Other Training
Somatic Experiencing (in progress) 2023 - 2025
ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy) Training - 2018 / 2019
MB-EAT (Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training) - 2016
Breathing Space Yoga Studio, 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association Conference (2014 & 2013)
Radical Acceptance with Tara Brach

If you are ready to take the first step toward a brighter future, fill out this quick form. We will get in touch with you to make sure that the EMDR therapy is a suitable treatment for you. If it's a fit, we will walk you through intake procedures and schedule your first EMDR appointment.
Ashley expanded her availability is now accepting new counselling clients. If she is not available during the time you need, you can add yourself to her waitlist.
Click here if you are a therapist and want to learn more about Consultation with Ashley.
Session times with Ashley take place Monday through Thursday 9:00am - 2:30pm